kins: armin (snk) & zenitsu (kny)

fav animanga ships:
snk: jearmin, eremin, eruri, jeansashacon
kny: inotanzen (or any combination of those three), genmui, tengen/zenitsu
hxh: killugon, leopika, hisoillu
yaribu: yacchan/toono
tdlosk: kubokai
(i ship tons of stuff and honestly u can convince me to ship almost anything, the list above is just the stuff i enjoy the most)

the animanga i've watched/read since i started in october 2021

it's not a lot, but i take things slowly cuz i get hyperfixated on every new anime and i just don't have a lot of time

all my favs from the anime i've watched so far

i love tons of other characters, but the ones u see here make me the happiest

!! don't follow me: minors, terfs/radfems, tankies, zionists, ai "artists" & if u harass ppl over fiction !!

!! i don't rt political stuff bc i do irl political work and i come on here to chill out, look at art and engage with fandom. my lack of "spreading awareness" on the tl is due to the fact that i'm doing it in person in an organized manner. i'm not gonna pretend to combat the horrors of this world via my tiny yaoi shitpost account, plus it has no busness being associated with serious political work. ur welcome to not follow me if this is an issue for u. if ur curious what it is that i do, my dms are open! !!

!! before u follow: i engage in & rt nsfw, transgressive & dddne media. i hold proship/profic views. !!

hey! i'm aru, i play genshin, watch anime, love 60s-80s music. i write fics and draw sometimes tho i'm not particularly good at either of them lol
i'm not insanely active on social media these days and just casually rt things i like
i'm too busy/offline to participate in online drama, so u won't find any on my page aside from an occasional like on an opinion tweet